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Affichage des articles du mars, 2008

Begginners : How to learn VHDL!

VHDL is one of the most Hardware Description Language used. This Description Language has many advantages over the others: VHDL has powerful synthesis functions allowing a strong and friendly design reuse methodology. This single advantage is so strong designers should not look aside. Good digital designs are generic a parameterizable. They are easy to maintain, reuse and help to produce complex system quicker. So, How to learn VHDL? 1. Learn Boolean algebra/ Boolean logic This will give you a better comprehension about the logic of a digital circuit and an overview on how computation is done on basic circuits. 2. Learn Finite state machine and Sequential Logic. Those two notions are absolute prerequisite to start coding in VHDL. This done, you can start a VHDL tutorial and then you're ready for the next chapters.