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Affichage des articles du septembre, 2010

With an iPhone jailbroken ios 4, how to setup tethering with ssh for free

Free tethering on iPhone with jailbroken IOS 4.0.1 and Ubuntu Linux. That is also possible on windows with putty. I. Preparing the operation, setup of the necessary programs 1. Install openSSH with cydia then reboot the iPhone 2. Install sshfs to browse all the iphone files easily (sudo apt-get install sshfs) 3. Download the fixed terminal (step not necessary) which is useful for changing the default password right on the iphone. 4. Get the iphone address in the wifi settings (let's say it is 5. Using sshfs, mount the iPhone filesystem : mkdir myiphone && sshfs root@ myiphone 6. Copy the unziped Terminal application in /var/stash/Applications folder of the iPhone filesystem then reboot the iPhone 7. Change the default password (alpine). See : II. Tether now! 1. Create an AdHoc connection on Ubuntu w